Sunday, September 11, 2022

Values of Free Expression

Free speech and the First Amendment are what the United States is built upon. The Eight Values of Free Expression explain why the First Amendment is valuable in our everyday lives. Personally, I have found that checking on governmental power as well as promoting innovation are two values that are exceptionally important when looking at free expression. 

The checks and balances created in this country work together in order to ensure no branch becomes too powerful. As citizens, it is essential to remember that we participate in this checks and balance system. Vince Blasi’s, Checking Function of the First Amendment speaks on this matter and the idea that the press is also a part of this checks and balances system. 

Freedom of the press allows citizens to express themselves on any topic they feel is important to share with the public, especially topics having to do with the government and its authority over citizens. Without a free press, we would be living in an authoritarian world without different opinions and ideas. If the government has done wrong, it is the duty of the citizens to speak up and begin reforms within the country. 


In today’s America, our freedom of the press has begun to be threatened. In recent news, there have been accounts of the White House working with social media companies to censor different information that is trying to be shared. This is unconstitutional and violates our first amendment rights because the government is interfering with the free flow of news and information. 

This government scandal has led to a court case with Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration. This is an example of the states using their First Amendment rights as a form of “checks and balances” on the federal government. The case has led to forcing the Biden Admin to show important records from government officials to better understand how and why censorship is happening. 

Moving forward, the idea of promoting innovation is also a very important aspect of free speech in America. Jack Balkin explains that when free speech is within a community it sparks creativity and allows for new ideas to grow and flourish. Without new ideas within a community, there is no improvement or expansion. 

In recent news, Roe v. Wade was overturned and left a large split within the country. Pro-Choice activists around the country began protesting after multiple states began to ban abortion. In Michigan, the state Supreme Court has decided to put abortion rights on their ballot in the fall election. This would add an amendment to Michigan’s state constitution and guarantee abortion to all Michigan citizens. 

This is an example of how free speech and protesting ideas have allowed for change to be made. Without freedom of expression, Michigan state officials would not have been urged to make this ballot change. 

In all, the First Amendment is a crucial part of American society. The idea that the press is an important part of the checks and balances system and the idea that free expression promotes innovation are both values that show the importance of the First Amendment. 

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