Friday, September 2, 2022

Five Important News Outlets

Today, news and headlines are able to spread quicker than ever imagined. New technology is being created every day that allows consumers to have any sort of news information at their fingertips. While this may seem like a great innovation, this makes it even harder to understand what news sources are accurate, unbiased, and trustworthy. In order to stay up to date with current events, I often use The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Instagram, the Dailywire, and The New York Times. 

To start, The Washington Post was founded in 1877 and has continually allowed Americans to receive unbiased and credible information. The Washington Post often reports on different news topics that come directly from the White House, Congress, or other parts of the government. Personally, I enjoy getting news from this source because I can easily access it on my laptop and I like to stay up to date with political news and information which is exactly what this newspaper reports on. 

Moving forward, The Associated Press or AP news is also a great news outlet that I would recommend. One great aspect of the Associated Press is that there is a variety of news information that can be seen. They have multiple tabs on their website that include “World News, Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Science, Lifestyle, etc.” This news outlet allows consumers to see news on a variety of topics rather than focusing on just one. I find AP news to be unbiased and report on exactly what is happening without inputting too many of their own ideas and opinions. 

Another main source of information that many people use today is Instagram. In order to look at the information on Instagram, you must create an account. After creating an account you are able to view a variety of different profiles, stories, and reels. One aspect of Instagram that I really like is that there are so many different profiles and sources of information, so I am able to make judgments on what I want to read and what information I believe is credible. Instagram also has a feature where all “verified” profiles have a blue check mark next to their account name. This helps ensure that people are not scammed or looking at information from a source that isn’t who they really claim to be. 

One of my favorite news sources is the Dailywire. The Dailywire has a variety of political news articles that talk about many issues and disagreements in today’s society. One main feature of Dailywire is that consumers are able to purchase a subscription. This subscription allows viewers to access the “streaming” aspect of the website. With this subscription, you can view a variety of political news shows rather than only reading the information in an article. 

Lastly, another great source of news is The New York Times. This outlet is similar to AP News in the sense that it has a variety of news articles on many different subjects. Their website has different tabs that lead to articles about politics, business, science, opinion, sports, food, etc. This attracts a variety of viewers and no matter what I want to learn about I am able to find an article that interests me. The New York Times also has a subscription that allows you to unlock even more articles. The New York Times is extremely credible and has been running since 1851.

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