Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Diffusion of Innovation- Blog #7

The invention of drones for use of communication is an amazingly innovative invention. Recently, drones have been being experimented with to use as a form of delivery service. Drones are now operating in certain parts of America as a means to drop off goods at a person’s doorstep. The company, wing, which is a part of Amazon has begun to deliver on-demand. For example, in Texas deliveries are being made each day and allow for customers to receive products the same day they are ordered and very quickly. 

The idea of drones being able to deliver so quickly has, of course, appealed to many because we live in a world where people want everything so instantly without needing to wait. This is why there are many early adopters of the idea of drone delivery. Average delivery time through USPS is about 7-10 business days and even with that expected time, there can be many delays due to weather, shortage of employees, etc. With drone delivery, there are fewer employees needed and the weather does not play as much of a factor. Late adopters have emerged because there are speculations on if it is safe for a drone to be carrying a package through residential areas. Questions have arisen about the package b
eing delivered to the wrong home or the drone being programmed incorrectly and possibly crashing and causing harm to a resident in the neighborhood. 

Of course, there are also people who are not willing to adopt at all. There have been many studies that have found drones have negative effects on the environment. There are also many people who do not want there to be changes in the current USPS system and fear the change of such a strong technological advancement. 

With every technological advancement, comes downsides. Drone delivery requires fewer employees needed to work for delivery companies and would take away job opportunities for many people. Fortunately, there are many more upsides than downsides when it comes to drone delivery. Altogether, drones are emerging quickly in many aspects of communication and this new technology will change the world in a way we can never even imagine!

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