Wednesday, September 28, 2022

High Point Students Don't Actually go to Class, They Just Party- Blog #9

I'm sure the headline of this article was intriguing and grabbed your attention. Well, it was just a form of everyday misinformation. Misinformation and disinformation are found all over the internet in our everyday lives. Social media has grown so much, to the point, that it is almost impossible to always spot it. News is continually flowing to our fingertips through different online networks. Intriguing headlines are always shoved into our faces and without even thinking we begin to share this information regarding knowing where and who it came from. This sharing of information without knowing actual facts is how misinformation and disinformation are spread. It is important to understand what these forms of information are and how to spot them. 

First, it is important to understand the difference between misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is any form of false information that is spread across the internet regardless of if it has the intent to harm or deceive consumers. Disinformation falls under the umbrella of misinformation and is created in order to deliberately be harmful or deceptive. 

Of course, misinformation and disinformation being shared on various platforms are very harmful to society as a whole. Depending on the severity of the article or news post, spreading false information can lead to unnecessary fear, wrong interpretations of people around them, and altogether mislead society. Let’s pretend someone has decided to go online and make a post claiming that High Point University students never actually go to class and their professors are paid off to give good grades while the students just party all day. Let’s say this goes viral and has thousands of shares online. This would not only be completely false information but it would also ruin the reputation of the university by misleading society. Parents would be angry and new perspective students would no longer be interested in applying.

Real- World Example
Click this image to open a real-world example of misinformation about
 peanut butter cups that was shared over 270,000 times on Facebook.

The sharing of misinformation and disinformation affects all segments of society. It does not matter if someone is rich, poor, young, old, gay, or straight. All people from all walks of life are impacted and should take the share of misinformation very seriously. Any person who has access to a cell phone or any sort of newspaper or news outlet needs to be aware that everything they see is not always accurate and should be followed up with their own judgment as well as other sources they have similar claims. 

Understanding how to spot false news can be tricky, but a few easy steps can be taken. First, you should always look at the author/ source of a piece of information. A simple Google search of their name can allow you to understand who they are and if they would be a credible person to take information from. Ask yourself if this person would have any reason to be biased on the story that they are reporting on. Checking the date of a news story is also important because many old stories begin to recirculate and are no longer relevant. Reading thoroughly into a story is also important because headlines are often used to grab a reader’s attention and are not very accurate about what the story is actually about. Lastly, checking supporting sources and understanding where the information actually came from is very important. If an author or news outlet is unable to cite their sources then their story is most likely not very accurate and should not be trusted. 

Altogether, misinformation and disinformation are everywhere. Be careful what you share and where you are getting your news. Understand that not everything on the internet can be trusted and find credible sources in order to stay informed and educated on the world around you.

Diffusion of Innovation- Blog #7

The invention of drones for use of communication is an amazingly innovative invention. Recently, drones have been being experimented with to use as a form of delivery service. Drones are now operating in certain parts of America as a means to drop off goods at a person’s doorstep. The company, wing, which is a part of Amazon has begun to deliver on-demand. For example, in Texas deliveries are being made each day and allow for customers to receive products the same day they are ordered and very quickly. 

The idea of drones being able to deliver so quickly has, of course, appealed to many because we live in a world where people want everything so instantly without needing to wait. This is why there are many early adopters of the idea of drone delivery. Average delivery time through USPS is about 7-10 business days and even with that expected time, there can be many delays due to weather, shortage of employees, etc. With drone delivery, there are fewer employees needed and the weather does not play as much of a factor. Late adopters have emerged because there are speculations on if it is safe for a drone to be carrying a package through residential areas. Questions have arisen about the package b
eing delivered to the wrong home or the drone being programmed incorrectly and possibly crashing and causing harm to a resident in the neighborhood. 

Of course, there are also people who are not willing to adopt at all. There have been many studies that have found drones have negative effects on the environment. There are also many people who do not want there to be changes in the current USPS system and fear the change of such a strong technological advancement. 

With every technological advancement, comes downsides. Drone delivery requires fewer employees needed to work for delivery companies and would take away job opportunities for many people. Fortunately, there are many more upsides than downsides when it comes to drone delivery. Altogether, drones are emerging quickly in many aspects of communication and this new technology will change the world in a way we can never even imagine!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Technological Advances

There were many interesting technological advances throughout history. One very important technology was the smartphone. The smartphone completely changed the world as we know it today. The smartphone was first introduced to the world in 2007 and quickly evolved. Before 2007, the only handheld device with a small screen and similar look to the smartphone was the iPod Touch. The iPod allowed users to play music and a select amount of virtual games. The smartphone was so revolutionary because it was one device that can do everything. You were able to play music, play games, browse the internet and all with the addition of making calls and sending messages.

As of today, more than 5 billion people have smartphones and this has changed the way we communicate in our daily lives. The smartphone has given people the opportunity to share ideas with people thousands of miles away in seconds and allows the world to stay connected!

Imagine your own life and the amount of times a day you use your phone to text, browse the internet, and stay connected to your friends/ family. Without the invention of the smartphone your life would be completely different.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Real News

Today’s new stream often focuses on many negative news stories that instill fear and negative thoughts into people's minds. These stories provoke more of a reaction from viewers which is the main goal of most news outlets, rather than actually reporting on what is happening in the world.

For example, recent news stories have been about the current war in Ukraine. These stories have instilled fear and panic into many people around the globe. There have even been news outlets that hinted at “World War III”. This verbiage is extremely uncalled for and rather than reporting news they are exaggerating news in order to provoke a reaction and gain more attraction. 

Unfortunately, very few news sources show reports on real media coverage with an unbiased look. They hide crucial information that looks into the government and what war really means. Fortunately, if you look hard enough there are still some outlets that report truthful and important information. The news outlet, AntiWar provides links to many articles that allow consumers to see what the mainstream media does not want us to see. For example, this outlet has delivered a story that covers information on the US government refusing to provide help to a wounded survivor of a wrongful attack. This article shows the side of war that many outlets don’t want you to see. The article goes into detail about Adel Al Manthari and how the USA believed he was a terrorist, even though there is no solid evidence to support this. The mainstream media never shows when the government has made a mistake or done something without good reason. 

Altogether, it is essential to understand where you are getting your news from and what articles you trust. It is important to search for reliable networks that will give you the most unbiased information.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Innovation in the World of Journalism

Drones, unmatched aerial vehicles (UAVs), or remotely piloted air systems (RPAS) have been used to aid in military weapons for years. More recently, drones have begun to be used for a more wide range of purposes including videography, photography, and even live streaming

Drones are increasing in popularity and many journalists have found that using drones allows them to surveil and learn in a more unique and insightful way. 

In the past, many journalists and news companies have used helicopters in order to gain converge from an aerial view. Journalists have now found that drones are much more affordable. They are also smaller which means they can be used in more areas and terrains.  A new drone referred to as Air 2S costs less than $1,000 and can shoot video in 5.4k. The affordability allows freelance journalists to also gain perspective on different news stories. Many civilians also have access to drones, therefore they are able to contribute to photographing and videoing things they feel are important and news stories can spread even faster.

This drone technology is incredibly innovative and allows for news information to travel even faster and more authentically. This technology has solved many issues of safety for reporters. For example, capturing footage in a war zone or an area with wildfires can be risky. Using drones in these areas allows for images and videos to be safely taken. 

Many well-known news outlets have been using drones in order to capture important and interesting information. For example, NBC News did a story on Southern Ukraine in a city called Mariupol. In this city, an estimated 300 people were killed during a bombing on March 16. NBC included a drone video of the damage that came from this attack. Sending a report to Ukraine to gain insight into this story would not have been safe. The drone allowed for an aerial view of the church. A reporter, most likely, would not have been able to go inside the church to get up close photos of the damage. 

Drones have many amazing positive impacts to increase communication and allow for current events to spread quicker, but there are also some downsides to drone activity. For example, there have been reports of drones negatively impacting the environment. In California, a drone was being flown illegally overtop the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve. Something went wrong with the drone and caused it to fall into a swamp due to a crash landing. This crash landing resulted in 3,000 nesting terns becoming fearful of an attack and flying away from their home. They left behind 2,000 eggs which meant an entire future generation of terns had been wiped out. 

Altogether, drones have many great impacts and allow us to better understand information with more unique visuals. Although there are some negative impacts, there are many ways that these negatives can be avoided with new laws and guidelines. Drones are incredibly innovative within the world of journalism and have the potential to change the way we view our everyday news.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Upholding the Law of the Land

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States of America. It is also the most powerful judicial body in the world. It is the court’s duty to uphold the constitution and ensure that the constitution is being interpreted correctly. 

When looking back at the founding of America, the Supreme Court did not always have the respect from American citizens that it has today. In 1801, Chief Justice John Marshall became very influential and helped create the respect that the Supreme Court deserves. Marshall is best known for his role in the Marbury v. Madison case. Moving forward, the Supreme Court lost a lot of respect from citizens during the Dred Scott decision when the court claimed it did not have the power to abolish slavery. After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was added and justice was made. 

The Supreme Court is continually receiving new cases each week. More than one hundred cases are sent to the Supreme Court weekly, which adds up to almost 7,000 each year. Most cases come from previous state courts that citizens have felt were ruled unjustly. 

An important aspect of the Supreme Court that is different than all other branches of government is that they do not decide what issues to deal with. Citizens must bring issues to the court and then the court can decide to resolve them. 

The Supreme Court has a very important job and it is important that American citizens uphold respect towards the court in order to ensure order within the country. It is often said that it’s not fair for just nine people to look at such important cases and make a decision for the entirety of America. After viewing the Supreme Court video, I feel that all nine people have a large variety of different ideas and that is what makes this system fair and just. These justices have studied the law and their job is to look at the constitution in an unbiased way in order to make decisions that are correct and upheld through the law of the land. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Values of Free Expression

Free speech and the First Amendment are what the United States is built upon. The Eight Values of Free Expression explain why the First Amendment is valuable in our everyday lives. Personally, I have found that checking on governmental power as well as promoting innovation are two values that are exceptionally important when looking at free expression. 

The checks and balances created in this country work together in order to ensure no branch becomes too powerful. As citizens, it is essential to remember that we participate in this checks and balance system. Vince Blasi’s, Checking Function of the First Amendment speaks on this matter and the idea that the press is also a part of this checks and balances system. 

Freedom of the press allows citizens to express themselves on any topic they feel is important to share with the public, especially topics having to do with the government and its authority over citizens. Without a free press, we would be living in an authoritarian world without different opinions and ideas. If the government has done wrong, it is the duty of the citizens to speak up and begin reforms within the country. 


In today’s America, our freedom of the press has begun to be threatened. In recent news, there have been accounts of the White House working with social media companies to censor different information that is trying to be shared. This is unconstitutional and violates our first amendment rights because the government is interfering with the free flow of news and information. 

This government scandal has led to a court case with Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration. This is an example of the states using their First Amendment rights as a form of “checks and balances” on the federal government. The case has led to forcing the Biden Admin to show important records from government officials to better understand how and why censorship is happening. 

Moving forward, the idea of promoting innovation is also a very important aspect of free speech in America. Jack Balkin explains that when free speech is within a community it sparks creativity and allows for new ideas to grow and flourish. Without new ideas within a community, there is no improvement or expansion. 

In recent news, Roe v. Wade was overturned and left a large split within the country. Pro-Choice activists around the country began protesting after multiple states began to ban abortion. In Michigan, the state Supreme Court has decided to put abortion rights on their ballot in the fall election. This would add an amendment to Michigan’s state constitution and guarantee abortion to all Michigan citizens. 

This is an example of how free speech and protesting ideas have allowed for change to be made. Without freedom of expression, Michigan state officials would not have been urged to make this ballot change. 

In all, the First Amendment is a crucial part of American society. The idea that the press is an important part of the checks and balances system and the idea that free expression promotes innovation are both values that show the importance of the First Amendment. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Five Important News Outlets

Today, news and headlines are able to spread quicker than ever imagined. New technology is being created every day that allows consumers to have any sort of news information at their fingertips. While this may seem like a great innovation, this makes it even harder to understand what news sources are accurate, unbiased, and trustworthy. In order to stay up to date with current events, I often use The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Instagram, the Dailywire, and The New York Times. 

To start, The Washington Post was founded in 1877 and has continually allowed Americans to receive unbiased and credible information. The Washington Post often reports on different news topics that come directly from the White House, Congress, or other parts of the government. Personally, I enjoy getting news from this source because I can easily access it on my laptop and I like to stay up to date with political news and information which is exactly what this newspaper reports on. 

Moving forward, The Associated Press or AP news is also a great news outlet that I would recommend. One great aspect of the Associated Press is that there is a variety of news information that can be seen. They have multiple tabs on their website that include “World News, Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Science, Lifestyle, etc.” This news outlet allows consumers to see news on a variety of topics rather than focusing on just one. I find AP news to be unbiased and report on exactly what is happening without inputting too many of their own ideas and opinions. 

Another main source of information that many people use today is Instagram. In order to look at the information on Instagram, you must create an account. After creating an account you are able to view a variety of different profiles, stories, and reels. One aspect of Instagram that I really like is that there are so many different profiles and sources of information, so I am able to make judgments on what I want to read and what information I believe is credible. Instagram also has a feature where all “verified” profiles have a blue check mark next to their account name. This helps ensure that people are not scammed or looking at information from a source that isn’t who they really claim to be. 

One of my favorite news sources is the Dailywire. The Dailywire has a variety of political news articles that talk about many issues and disagreements in today’s society. One main feature of Dailywire is that consumers are able to purchase a subscription. This subscription allows viewers to access the “streaming” aspect of the website. With this subscription, you can view a variety of political news shows rather than only reading the information in an article. 

Lastly, another great source of news is The New York Times. This outlet is similar to AP News in the sense that it has a variety of news articles on many different subjects. Their website has different tabs that lead to articles about politics, business, science, opinion, sports, food, etc. This attracts a variety of viewers and no matter what I want to learn about I am able to find an article that interests me. The New York Times also has a subscription that allows you to unlock even more articles. The New York Times is extremely credible and has been running since 1851.

Relationship with Technology: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Technology has taken over the world in unimaginable ways throughout the last decade. In 2015, only about 35% of the world's population h...