Thursday, October 6, 2022

EOTO Reaction

There were many different concepts presented throughout the EOTO presentations. One specific concept and invention that has already begun to change our world drastically is machine learning. 

Machine learning goes along with artificial intelligence as well as deep learning. They combine in order to create Artificial Intelligence (AI). Machine learning allows a computer to develop its intelligence through monitoring and understanding past algorithms and statistical information in order to expand its knowledge and predict/ create future algorithms and data. 

The idea of machine learning allows a computer to continue to grow on its own without the interference of a human. Machine learning allows for many new technologies to come about and allows for humans to do less within the technological industries. The idea is that the technology will have the capability to “think” and problem-solve as a human would. 

When learning about this technology I felt that there were many great positive aspects to machine learning, but there are also many negatives. Some positive aspects include that this technology is able to transform the world as we know it and can work with a wide variety of applications. Machine learning easily identifies trends and patterns using a computer which means much fewer mistakes and no human error. When looking for different trends they will be found faster and improvement

on different issues will be occurring continuously. The factor of efficiency is also important when looking at machine learning because there is no way a human would be able to look at such a vast amount of information and one time.

On the other hand, machine learning has some negatives. It is a scary thought to allow technology to have a “brain” of its own. Machine learning takes away from many job opportunities because machines will be able to replace jobs such as factory workers, delivery services, etc. There are also some legal issues with machine learning because if there was an error, who would be at fault?

Altogether, machine learning is beginning to become very prevalent in our society and can be very helpful, but we must also be aware of the negatives and how it can harm society. 

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